Bat Conservation and Management, Inc. provides wildlife population, habitat, and mitigation surveys specializing in state and federally listed species of bats and custom-tailored to your specific project needs.
BCM’s USFWS permitted biologists have extensive experience in bat capture techniques, radio telemetry, acoustic monitoring, and habitat assessments. Our work includes partnering with energy companies for surveys on wind facilities, gas pipelines, electrical transmission lines, and mining facilities, as well as surveys for timber sales, highway construction, and government agencies. In addition, we can provide logistical field and technical support to collaborating partners on large projects.
The types of projects we specialize in include:
Fieldwork assistance for partners requiring any type of bat survey work
Habitat surveys, typically for Indiana bat, Northern long-eared, Eastern small footed, Tricolored bat, Florida bonneted bat, and Allegheny woodrat.
Abandoned mine and cave surveys
Bat acoustic monitoring surveys and data analysis
Bat roost video monitoring
Bat mist net, harp trap, and acoustic monitoring surveys
Radio telemetry tracking for foraging, roost, and migration studies
Bat exclusions and control
Artificial roost construction
Contact us with a summary of your project needs for an immediate quote and estimated availability. If you received a letter from the USFWS requesting a survey, those projects are generally classified one of two ways, with different levels of effort required for each. Include your general location and total number of forested acres in your Project Area, or approximate length of of your project if linear in nature (pipelines, power lines, road, ridgetop wind facility, etc.).
Contact Us
Professional Ecological Surveys
Artificial Roosts
Survey Equipment
Phone: (717) 241-ABAT (2228)