Contact BCM

John Chenger
John is President of Bat Conservation and Management, Inc., a company he formed in 1998 to provide specialized bat-related consulting services nationwide, remarkably successful artificial bat roosts, and field gear for bat research. John’s experience includes thousands of hours underground, mapping, photographing, and winter inventorying caves and mines. Above ground experience includes summer and fall bat capture surveys, abandoned mine and cave assessments, and rocky habitat assessments. John is an expert in bat echolocation call analysis throughout North America. His first experience with radio tracking spring migrating Indiana bats was in 2000, and in 2019 he led a massive fall project coordinating up to 15 ground and air trackers. Since 2004 he has been a recurring instructor at nationwide training workshops offered by Bat Conservation International and Bat Survey Solutions, a curriculum designed to train serious students, consultants, agency biologists, and land managers in current research and management techniques for the study and conservation of bats. Other work included the Pennsylvania Game Commission, professional photographer & videographer, and Director of Interpretation at a commercial cave. Contact John with any questions about professional surveys, camera systems, bat detectors, bat detector software, and bat houses.
Todd Sinander
Senior Wildlife Biologist / Project Manager
Todd has been a curious observer of the natural world all his life. His interest in ecology and animal behavior led him on a career path where it’s critical to understand how animals use and interact with their environment and other wildlife species. Throughout his career Todd has worked with a number of species in the wild and in zoological institutions, where his fieldwork with animals such as the short-beaked echidna enhanced understanding and public education about these and other unusual wildlife. Todd joined BCM as a seasonal biologist in 2004 with over fifteen years of previous wildlife capture and radio telemetry experience working with a variety of bird, mammal, and reptile species. In 2010 he joined the BCM team full time as a Wildlife Biologist/Project Manager where he coordinates with clients and wildlife agencies, directs bat mist net survey and radio telemetry teams, and conducts harp trap and hibernacula surveys, habitat assessments, and report preparation. Todd also has extensive experience with acoustic bat surveys and call data analysis for federally listed Myotis species and the Florida bonneted bat. In addition to his work with bats, Todd surveys the habitat and populations of Pennsylvania’s Allegheny woodrats and northern flying squirrels. Contact Todd with any questions regarding professional surveys, bat capture and telemetry gear, acoustic detection equipment, and professional surveys.
Contact Us
Professional Ecological Surveys
Artificial Roosts
Survey Equipment
Phone: (717) 241-ABAT (2228)