HOLIDAY SPECIAL: use coupon GOBATS for 10% off most bat houses. FREE SHIPPING within Continental US on select bat houses • Bat approved by Merlin Tuttle's Bat Conservation and Bat Conservation International

Have bats? Participate in BCM's Nuisance Bat Deterrent Study!

Bats roosting in a garage

Know of a nuisance bat colony in an outbuilding, porch, or some other structure that is driving someone batty? Bat Conservation and Management is looking for volunteer study sites across the country to help temporarily test new exclusion methods.

We offer free advice and perhaps tools towards permanent solutions to selected study sites as appropriate, in exchange for allowing access for occassional monitoring visits over a 2-week period. No bats will be captured and the study would occur after pups are volant. We are looking for sites with "a dozen" or more bats, particularly in the Gulf Coast states, but any location is of interest.

We already know the trials will be successful; this is an opportunity to be involved in bleeding edge bat research which will be a boost to bat conservation worldwide as we help prove a new method for temporarily moving bats out of harms way. Those interested in participating can fill in the project contact form below and we will evaluate your site to see if if meets the needs!